A Memory without Remindings


  • Blaise Pierrehumbert University of Lausanne




attachment theory, intergenerational transmission of trauma, caregiving quality, epigenetics


This paper discusses processes that may be involved in the intergenerational transmission of trauma, in the form of memory traces without any reminding. This process would constitute a specific type of “post-memory”. The central hypothesis, closely related to the attachment theory, assumes that when a traumatized person becomes a mother or a father, his/her caregiving quality can be disrupted by defensive segregation of emotions which, in turn, risks to provoke difficulties for the child to experience a feeling of security with his/her parent. Other hypotheses are also considered, particularly the epigenetic transgenerational transmission of trauma.


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Author Biography

Blaise Pierrehumbert, University of Lausanne

Professor and Researcher


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How to Cite

Pierrehumbert, B. (2020). A Memory without Remindings. Tópicos Del Seminario, 2(44), 50–61. https://doi.org/10.35494/topsem.2020.2.44.700