Aesthetic form in Hegel: art as cognitive vehicle


  • Fernando Huesca Ramón BUAP



Form, Art, Aesthetics, Consciousness, History


 Hegel’s Lectures on the Philosophy of Art offer an encyclopedic
summary of previous reflections on beauty, the work of art,
creativity and the formative and social function of art. In them,
one can find theoretical guidelines for the interpretation of the
work of art as a sensible matrix in which is deposited an epistemological
guideline about human nature and its development
through history. Art is shown in Hegel as a product of a human
consciousness in search of itself and of self-affirmation and
transformation of the world. Art is a necessary cultural product
for self-knowledge and human emancipation


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Author Biography

Fernando Huesca Ramón, BUAP

Professor and Researcher


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How to Cite

Huesca Ramón, F. (2020). Aesthetic form in Hegel: art as cognitive vehicle. Tópicos Del Seminario, 1(43), 105–121.