Disagreements, misunderstandings and misconceptions


  • Juan Alonso Aldama Escuela de Comunicación del Instituto de Ciencias Políticas de París (SciencesPo). 27 Rue Saint Guillaume, 75337, Paris cedex 07. Tel: + (33) 145 49 50 50.




misunderstanding, disagreement, value, valence


Understanding the meaning, the value and the valences of the chord and concord is often easier when both cease to exist, when you feel that winning or recovering them requires a long and laborious discursive and interactive process full of obstacles. Thus, a disagreement semiotics allows knowing the operation and settings of the mechanism of harmony and contractuality, i.e. the forms that permit the existence of social configurations. Therefore, the aim of this article is to try to think of a figure by its negative, i.e., to try to account for the misunderstanding and disagreement so that they will reveal the necessary conditions to make an agreement possible, through the analysis of different semantic positions and syntactic operations that occur within the categories of controversy in the political and social spheres.


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Author Biography

Juan Alonso Aldama, Escuela de Comunicación del Instituto de Ciencias Políticas de París (SciencesPo). 27 Rue Saint Guillaume, 75337, Paris cedex 07. Tel: + (33) 145 49 50 50.

Profesor en la Escuela de Comunicación del Instituto de Ciencias Políticas de París.


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How to Cite

Aldama, J. A. (2016). Disagreements, misunderstandings and misconceptions. Tópicos Del Seminario, 2(30), 17–37. https://doi.org/10.35494/topsem.2013.2.30.43