The principle of immanence: paratext vs. intertext


  • Odile Le Guern Universidad de Lyon.



plane of immanence (and practical scene), title, (paratext) intertextuality, article, metasemiotic process.


This study provides a reflection on image-text relations, the
impact of the text in the reading of the image, and specifically,
attempts to discover whether the presence of text calls into
question the principle of immanence that could dominate the
analysis of the image. It is based on a comparison of different
titles that accompany or could accompany a painting by Matisse,
and strives to reveal the following paradox: it is in the title
where the referential function appears to operate with the most
force so as to steer the viewer toward a metapictorial process
and for purposes of considering the painting in the reflexivity
of its figural component.


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Author Biography

Odile Le Guern, Universidad de Lyon.

Profesora eN la Facultad de Letras, Ciencias del Lenguaje y Artes de la Universidad de Lyon.


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How to Cite

Le Guern, O. (2016). The principle of immanence: paratext vs. intertext. Tópicos Del Seminario, 1(31), 161–174.