Paradox and Narrative Metalepsis in Jorge Luis Borges’s short story “The Other”


  • Liviu Lutas Linneo University



Borges, metalepsis, possible worlds, paradox, transmediality,


In this article the author investigates the relation between paradox
and narrative metalepsis, on the basis of Jorge Luis Borges’s
short story “The Other”. There is a paradoxical dimension in
metalepsis because of the transgression of the borders between
the narrator’s world and the narrated world, two worlds which
should be ontologically separated. However, there are some
subclasses of metalepses in which the transgression is not of an
ontological kind. Borges’s story is exemplary to illustrate and
problematize the classifications of metalepsis and to show how
uncertain it could be to classify a narration type on the basis of
the paradox criterion.


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Author Biography

Liviu Lutas, Linneo University

Professor of French Litterature


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How to Cite

Lutas, L. (2016). Paradox and Narrative Metalepsis in Jorge Luis Borges’s short story “The Other”. Tópicos Del Seminario, 2(34), 131–153.