The form of immanence: A generative-transformational grammar
generative grammar, recursivity, tree, surface narrative syntax, rule.Abstract
Placing sense in the plane of immanence is a response to thecrisis of cognitivism and the difficulty involved in placing
the encounter with the subjectivity of the other within a phenomenological
framework (Marsciani, Landowski). To date,
this solution makes it necessary to clarify the statements of
the plane of immanence by virtue of its constitutive model.
In this regard, we propose a generative-transformational
grammar of metalanguage developed by Greimas, Courtés,
Marsciani and Zinna for the analysis of narrative structures.
In showing some of the characteristics of narrativity that do
not immediately appear in the plane of manifestation, certain
topological features of the plane of immanence are placed in
relief: the infinite capacity to generate recursive structures,
self-similarity and the problematic link with the plane of
manifestation This means that there might still be room in
semiotics for the “discovery” of immanent properties, which
while not apparent on the surface of the text, are at least sufficient
for explaining its characteristics.
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