Paradoxical Thresholds


  • Ana Camblong Universidad Nacional de Misiones



paradoxes, continuity, thresholds, turbulence, silence,


Two lineages of thinkers traversing Western History are proposed
when narrowing the focus to the paradox in discourse: one,
manipulates and refutes paradoxical artifacts associated with
conceptual, logical and scientific metalanguage; another, that
dumps aporetic flows in speech, bears witness not only with
the thought in development, but alsoits own stock immersed in
the continuum. Our research centres on the second lineage and
postulates the concept of threshold, in order to deploy semiotic
and epistemological features of such speeches, and the receptive
effects on standard practices of reasoning and reading.


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Author Biography

Ana Camblong, Universidad Nacional de Misiones

Profesor and Director of the Program of Semiotic, Humanities and Social Sciences Department


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How to Cite

Camblong, A. (2016). Paradoxical Thresholds. Tópicos Del Seminario, 2(34), 29–49.