The regimens of immanence, between narratology and narrativity
narratology, narrativity, immanence, enunciation, regimenAbstract
The article questions the revival of narratology studies in human sciences today and the simultaneous disappearing of semiotic works on narrativity. On this basis, it attempts to analyse this concept of narrativity in connection with the principle of immanence which determines its significance. Various critical approaches of immanence are then studied, between theoretical assumption, refutation, extension or philosophic reformulation. Those approaches allow to draw, beyond the “principle” and the “plans” of immanence, the plural notion of “regimens of immanence”. This one, once defined, is tested through the case of the novel of Cervantes, Don Quixote, which is used as an example and an argument. Between the level of the “story”, which commands the narratologic thickness of the novel, and the level of the “utterance”, which appeals tonarrativity requirements, the “regimens of immanence” reinforce their scientific justification.
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