Immanence as objet and problem. A possible discussion regarding the semiotic episteme and a trans-historical rebuilding
radical Immanence, expression, Deleuze, Spinoza, post-structuralismAbstract
The purpose of this article is to discuss critically the concept of immanence. In particular, crossing the path that this concept has had in Semiotics, we try to reconstruct it in its main steps, in relation with the idea of radical immanence as it is elaborated by the thought of Gilles Deleuze. In particular Deleuze proposes, as known, a connection, starting from Spinozian thought, between the idea of immanence and that of expression. What implications this may have on Semiotics? The answer proposed here is not an abandonment or going beyond the concept of immanence, but on the contrary, in fact, to take it forward in a critical and radical way, and to evaluate the consequences for a contemporary semiotic epistemology.
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