Hjelmslev and the event


  • Paula Martins de Souza Universidad de São Paulo.




Hjelmslev, tensive semiotics, event.


In addition to achieving a certain amount of knowledge, a scientific subject is expected to have solid foundations in order to allow future development, such as the pursuit of additional knowledge that might not have even been envisioned during its first steps. While differing somewhat from the current concepts, we believe that structural thinking regarding language issues has complied with such requirement from the very beginning. In order to avoid the interference of anachronistic interpretations in our reading, we deemed fair to claim that the hjelmslevian theory, which upholds the principle of immanence, may not only not have opposed the opening to the study of affective meanings; it may have actually required them in its epistemological arrangement, thus providing the opening to an episteme of the event, which still had no foundations in the history of ideas.


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Author Biography

Paula Martins de Souza, Universidad de São Paulo.

Miembro del GES-USP de la Universidad de São Paulo, Brasil.


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How to Cite

Martins de Souza, P. (2016). Hjelmslev and the event. Tópicos Del Seminario, 2(32), 135–156. https://doi.org/10.35494/topsem.2014.2.32.21