On "tempo" in painting


  • Claude Zilberberg -






In this study the author proposes condemning the idea according
to which painting regards the space and the music of the time.
But precisely the future of the painting has added to the line and
color a third layer: the touch that gives the plane of expression
an unknown semiosis which has as a plane of content the
modalities of pictorial speed. These modalities give a paradigm
which may be recognized as acceleration, or better yet, as a
deceleration. In this case, Francis Bacon would be the hero of
acceleration and Rothko the hero of deceleration.


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Author Biography

Claude Zilberberg, -



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How to Cite

Zilberberg, C. (2016). On "tempo" in painting. Tópicos Del Seminario, 2(26), 135–158. https://doi.org/10.35494/topsem.2011.2.26.106