The art of slowness. Hastening of history


  • Pierre Ouellet Universidad de Quebec en Montreal.



In this paper, it is suggested that due to the speed with which
events come about, time of History has precipitated and fallen,
in such a way that its sediments slow down or stop what has
been called progress. In this order of things, literature and art
give witness to events that must be described in sociopolitical,
ethnophenomenological and semioesthetic terms, which at the
same time represent their own “time-out” and, upon doing this,
take time of History from its accelerated course. This proposal
is illustrated through the analysis of the novel Éden, Éden, Éden by
Pierre Guyotat, which contradicts all causal logic and dissolves
all hierarchy through certain discoursal resources.


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Author Biography

Pierre Ouellet, Universidad de Quebec en Montreal.

Profesor en el Departamento de Estudios Literarios de la Universidad de Quebec en Montreal.


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How to Cite

Ouellet, P. (2016). The art of slowness. Hastening of history. Tópicos Del Seminario, 2(26), 25–57.